Financial Planning Insanity Defined

You have seen over and over again that every few years, the market crashes. Sometimes it crashes hard. For most of your life, you didn’t really care. In fact, if you’re like me, I wanted the market to crash back in those days. Why? Because it was a buying opportunity. Besides, I knew the market would recover. And I was young enough that I wasn’t going to use the money anytime soon.

Remember the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. The truth is that nothing has changed. Your portfolio was at risk when you were 25 years old, just as much as it’s at risk today. So what’s the difference?

Your age, your time period for any new recovery. The very thing that makes putting your retirement money in the stock market bonds, real estate variable annuities, or any other variable investment crazy is that you’re doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. I can tell you, the results will not be any different. Your investments will go up and your investments will go down. They will do great, then they will crash. What is different is that now it can happen when you are near or in retirement. At the very same time you need your money to live. If you’re at or near retirement, it’s time to stop the insanity and look at an option that’s appropriate for retirement goals.

If want to learn how to stop the insanity with your retirement, we invite you to work with our financial planning team. Through our RetireSHIELD® program we can provide you with a lifetime of income you will never outlive.

Listen to Casey Marx, Smart Money episode “Definition of Insanity, Cliff Young Shuffle, Fake News and Underliving Your Retirement” on the player below or on your Apple Podcast App or Android device.